This summer I will be spending 3 whole months with the wonderful man himself.. Mickey Mouse!! So this blog is for you to follow my wonderful journey to America and to hopefully enjoy my experience with me. Ill try and update with pictures and new blogs as often as possible.

Thanks for reading.

Enjoy x

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

It all started with a mouse and a dream!!

Hey!! really sorry am on abit of a time limit as my batterys about to die and the charger isnt working!!
have had training for the past few days! been pretty cool learnt loads about the stores and where im working and started till training yesterday!! its pretty cool the amount we have learnt about it all! im going to have to learn loads about art for my shop... which seems pretty cool. i can geek up a little bit!! weather is boiling... so glad im not outside!! last night we went to watch the disney fireworks and then before that the parade. This year at disney they have a new thing called 'let the memories begin' which is all about making memories for our guests and every night they project footage from the day onto the castle... it is AMAZING!! acualy was unreal.. they have done it so it looks like bits of the castle are falling off and it changes colour and things.. it doesnt sound that good but was actualy the best thing iv ever seen!!! Walt would have been proud! The parks didnt close until midnight so we got to go on some of the rides.. as cast members we managed to skip most of the cues which was a bonus!! haha! loving it here! so nice just to say 'am popping to magic kingdom after work' haha for free! always good!! am off to magic kingdom again today as my only day off!! need to go and test out all the other rides.
The is a pirates of the caribbean ride.. and at the end there is a jack sparrow sitting in a chair.. but apparently he comes to visit quite alot so when he comes they put the real jack sparrow in the chair instead.. but guests never notice its him because of how good the model it.. my friends working on this ride.. so fingers crossed he comes to visit so i can go and see him.
battery is about to die
much love xxx

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