This summer I will be spending 3 whole months with the wonderful man himself.. Mickey Mouse!! So this blog is for you to follow my wonderful journey to America and to hopefully enjoy my experience with me. Ill try and update with pictures and new blogs as often as possible.

Thanks for reading.

Enjoy x

Friday, 19 August 2011

End of a chapter!

Im currently sat in the airport waiting to start my next adventure! Excited about seeing James but soo sad Disney is over!
I've had the most amazing summer of my life! I have loved every minute of it and appreciated it soo much!
yesterday was a good day! it was our friend Simon's birthday so we were all up bright and early attempting to pack! and i emphasis attempting as it did not go too well! We then went to epcot so they could all drink around the world.. instead as I'm a baby by the American law, I got a disney passport and got that stamped around the world instead! It was a really good day, beautiful weather and was nice that we all managed to spend it together! Then was off to graduation which was pretty cool! got my disney ears and my pictures with Minnie and Mickey so was a pretty perfect evening.. until the rain came in! i have never seen rain like it in my lifee! Was crazzyyyyyy!! So that made us late to go and watch wishes so instead we had to watch it from the outside of the park at the cast member entrance! it wasn't quite the same but I watched it with all my favourites so it was ok! We then went back to Simons for a leaving party. Was soo weird saying goodbye to people! But everybody was their so it was really nice! Such a lovely evening. Me and Patu got around an hours sleep as we were up bright and early to pack and to clean the house! Then it came to that awful time when I had to leave! Was very sad everyone was in tears! Everyone stood outside the shuttle waving my off crying their eyes out! The people on the bus must have thought i was crazy! But it was sooo sad!
But it has been the best experience of my life and I have loved it so much!
Ill update when im in Chicago! xx

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